Wednesday 30 July 2014

30 July


Just for today:

1) Do Spelling corrections and sign by 31/07/14.

2) Do corrections for WP8 by 01/08. Similar to WP7, some boys were still not familiar with the format of writing compositions in first person. Some of the boys also focussed too much on the pictures instead of the main question which was on the most memorable present

From the boys' answers for their AMODES test today, I've gathered that although I had reminded them to check for s/p/g [spelling/punctuation/grammar] for their comprehension questions, some of them still did not check every single detail in their answers. Hence, most of the boys did not manage to score especially for the question that asked for the sentence from the passage as they either forgot to write one word or they did not write 'Disney' with a capital D. Since it is a lifting question, any word missing or any punctuation error, they will be given zero. This is the section that 'killed' most of the boys. 

Dear parents, please help to remind the boys the importance of checking their work thoroughly.

The test papers will only be given out once the other classes have completed them and there's clearance from the level teachers. 

Thank you and have a great evening! :)

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